* Copyright (c) 2022 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
* Some of the following code is derived from code original to the
* stdpp project. That original code is
* Copyright stdpp developers and contributors
* and used according to the following license.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
* Original stdpp License:
Require Export stdpp.fin_maps.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.base.
(* TODO upstream to stdpp. *)
Section fin_maps.
Context `{FinMap K M} {A : Type}.
Implicit Type (m : M A).
#[local] Set Default Proof Using "Type*".
Lemma map_positive m1 m2 : m1 ∪ m2 = ∅ → m1 = ∅ ∧ m2 = ∅.
intros Heq. pose proof map_positive_l _ _ Heq as ->.
by rewrite ->left_id_L in Heq by apply _.
Lemma map_positive_r m1 m2 : m1 ∪ m2 = ∅ → m2 = ∅.
Proof. by intros [_ ?]%map_positive. Qed.
(* Remaining lemmas use ssreflect.
TODO: avoid if upstreaming to stdpp. *)
Lemma map_union_difference (m1 m2 : M A) :
(m1 ∪ m2) ∖ m1 = m2 ∖ m1.
apply map_eq => i. apply option_eq => a.
rewrite !lookup_difference_Some lookup_union_Some_raw.
intuition congruence.
Lemma map_difference_union_distr_l m1 m2 m3 : (m1 ∪ m2) ∖ m3 = m1 ∖ m3 ∪ m2 ∖ m3.
apply map_eq => i. apply option_eq => a.
rewrite !(lookup_difference_Some, lookup_difference_None, lookup_union_Some_raw).
intuition try congruence; unfold is_Some in *; naive_solver.
Lemma difference_map_disjoint (m1 m2 : M A) :
m1 ##ₘ m2 → m2 ∖ m1 = m2.
intros Hdisj. apply map_eq => i. apply option_eq => a.
rewrite !lookup_difference_Some.
intuition eauto using map_disjoint_Some_l.
Lemma map_difference_union_distr_disj_l m1 m2 m3 :
m1 ##ₘ m3 ->
(m1 ∪ m2) ∖ m3 = m1 ∪ (m2 ∖ m3).
Proof. intros. by rewrite map_difference_union_distr_l difference_map_disjoint. Qed.
Lemma map_difference_insert_ne i j x y m (Hne : i ≠ j) :
<[i:=x]> m ∖ {[j := y]} =
<[i:=x]> (m ∖ {[j := y]}).
rewrite !insert_union_singleton_l map_difference_union_distr_disj_l //.
rewrite map_disjoint_singleton_l. exact: lookup_singleton_ne.
Lemma map_insert_difference (m : M A) i x :
<[i:=x]> m ∖ {[ i := x ]} = m ∖ {[ i := x ]}.
Proof. by rewrite insert_union_singleton_l map_union_difference. Qed.
Lemma map_fmap_difference {B} (f : A -> B) m a (i : K) :
f <$> (m ∖ {[i := a]}) = (f <$> m) ∖ {[i := f a]}.
rewrite !map_difference_filter map_filter_fmap /=. f_equiv.
apply map_filter_ext => j r /= _.
by rewrite !lookup_singleton_None.
Lemma map_Forall_fmap {B} (m : M A) (f : A -> B) P :
map_Forall (λ k _, P k) (f <$> m) <-> map_Forall (λ k _, P k) m.
rewrite /map_Forall; setoid_rewrite lookup_fmap.
split; intros Hin i d Hs. { eapply Hin. by rewrite Hs. }
specialize (Hin i). destruct (m !! i); naive_solver.
End fin_maps.
* Copyright (c) 2022 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
* Some of the following code is derived from code original to the
* stdpp project. That original code is
* Copyright stdpp developers and contributors
* and used according to the following license.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
* Original stdpp License:
Require Export stdpp.fin_maps.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.base.
(* TODO upstream to stdpp. *)
Section fin_maps.
Context `{FinMap K M} {A : Type}.
Implicit Type (m : M A).
#[local] Set Default Proof Using "Type*".
Lemma map_positive m1 m2 : m1 ∪ m2 = ∅ → m1 = ∅ ∧ m2 = ∅.
intros Heq. pose proof map_positive_l _ _ Heq as ->.
by rewrite ->left_id_L in Heq by apply _.
Lemma map_positive_r m1 m2 : m1 ∪ m2 = ∅ → m2 = ∅.
Proof. by intros [_ ?]%map_positive. Qed.
(* Remaining lemmas use ssreflect.
TODO: avoid if upstreaming to stdpp. *)
Lemma map_union_difference (m1 m2 : M A) :
(m1 ∪ m2) ∖ m1 = m2 ∖ m1.
apply map_eq => i. apply option_eq => a.
rewrite !lookup_difference_Some lookup_union_Some_raw.
intuition congruence.
Lemma map_difference_union_distr_l m1 m2 m3 : (m1 ∪ m2) ∖ m3 = m1 ∖ m3 ∪ m2 ∖ m3.
apply map_eq => i. apply option_eq => a.
rewrite !(lookup_difference_Some, lookup_difference_None, lookup_union_Some_raw).
intuition try congruence; unfold is_Some in *; naive_solver.
Lemma difference_map_disjoint (m1 m2 : M A) :
m1 ##ₘ m2 → m2 ∖ m1 = m2.
intros Hdisj. apply map_eq => i. apply option_eq => a.
rewrite !lookup_difference_Some.
intuition eauto using map_disjoint_Some_l.
Lemma map_difference_union_distr_disj_l m1 m2 m3 :
m1 ##ₘ m3 ->
(m1 ∪ m2) ∖ m3 = m1 ∪ (m2 ∖ m3).
Proof. intros. by rewrite map_difference_union_distr_l difference_map_disjoint. Qed.
Lemma map_difference_insert_ne i j x y m (Hne : i ≠ j) :
<[i:=x]> m ∖ {[j := y]} =
<[i:=x]> (m ∖ {[j := y]}).
rewrite !insert_union_singleton_l map_difference_union_distr_disj_l //.
rewrite map_disjoint_singleton_l. exact: lookup_singleton_ne.
Lemma map_insert_difference (m : M A) i x :
<[i:=x]> m ∖ {[ i := x ]} = m ∖ {[ i := x ]}.
Proof. by rewrite insert_union_singleton_l map_union_difference. Qed.
Lemma map_fmap_difference {B} (f : A -> B) m a (i : K) :
f <$> (m ∖ {[i := a]}) = (f <$> m) ∖ {[i := f a]}.
rewrite !map_difference_filter map_filter_fmap /=. f_equiv.
apply map_filter_ext => j r /= _.
by rewrite !lookup_singleton_None.
Lemma map_Forall_fmap {B} (m : M A) (f : A -> B) P :
map_Forall (λ k _, P k) (f <$> m) <-> map_Forall (λ k _, P k) m.
rewrite /map_Forall; setoid_rewrite lookup_fmap.
split; intros Hin i d Hs. { eapply Hin. by rewrite Hs. }
specialize (Hin i). destruct (m !! i); naive_solver.
End fin_maps.