* Copyright (c) 2023 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Import stdpp.base.
Require Import elpi.elpi.
Require Export bedrock.prelude.elpi.derive.common.
Require Export bedrock.prelude.elpi.basis.
Elpi Accumulate derive File bedrock.basis.elpi.
Elpi Db derive.stdpp.inhabited.db lp:{{
pred inhabited o:gref, o:gref.
pred inhabited-done o:gref.
Elpi Accumulate derive.stdpp.inhabited.db File bedrock.typeclass.elpi.
#[superglobal] Elpi Accumulate derive.stdpp.inhabited.db lp:{{
:name "inhabited-done.typeclass"
inhabited-done GR :-
typeclass "derive.stdpp.inhabited.db"
(before "inhabited-done.typeclass") (inhabited-done GR) {{ @Inhabited lp:{{global GR}} }} Bo_.
Elpi Accumulate derive Db derive.stdpp.inhabited.db.
#[synterp] Elpi Accumulate derive lp:{{
derivation _ _ (derive "inhabited" (cl\ cl = []) true).
Elpi Accumulate derive lp:{{
namespace derive.inhabited {
pred main i:gref, i:string, o:list prop.
main TyGR Prefix Clauses :-! [
InstanceName is Prefix ^ "inhabited",
derive-original-gref TyGR OrigGR,
TyInhabited = {{ Inhabited lp:{{global OrigGR}} }},
std.assert-ok! (coq.elaborate-skeleton TyInhabited _ ETyInhabited) "[derive.inh.main] [TyInhabited]",
std.assert-ok! (coq.typecheck {{ lp:BoInhabited : lp:ETyInhabited }} _) "typechecking the [Inhabited t] instance failed",
coq.ltac.collect-goals BoInhabited [SealedGoal] [], ( "solve_inhabited" []) SealedGoal [],
@using! "Type" => coq.env.add-const InstanceName BoInhabited ETyInhabited @opaque! C,
@global! => coq.TC.declare-instance (const C) 0,
Clauses = [inhabited-done OrigGR, inhabited OrigGR (const C)],
std.forall Clauses (x\
coq.elpi.accumulate _ "derive.stdpp.inhabited.db" (clause _ _ x)
main _ _ _ :- usage.
pred usage.
usage :- coq.error
"Usage: #[only(inhabited)] derive T where T is an inductive or a definition that unfolds to an inductive. Example #1: Variant T := A | B | C. #[only(inhabited)] derive T Example #2: #[only(inhabited)] derive Variant T := A | B | C. Example #3: Variant _T := A | B | C. Definition T := _T. #[only(inhabited)] derive T.".
(indt T) Prefix ff
(derive "inhabited"
(derive.inhabited.main (indt T) Prefix)
(inhabited-done (indt T))
* Copyright (c) 2023 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Import stdpp.base.
Require Import elpi.elpi.
Require Export bedrock.prelude.elpi.derive.common.
Require Export bedrock.prelude.elpi.basis.
Elpi Accumulate derive File bedrock.basis.elpi.
Elpi Db derive.stdpp.inhabited.db lp:{{
pred inhabited o:gref, o:gref.
pred inhabited-done o:gref.
Elpi Accumulate derive.stdpp.inhabited.db File bedrock.typeclass.elpi.
#[superglobal] Elpi Accumulate derive.stdpp.inhabited.db lp:{{
:name "inhabited-done.typeclass"
inhabited-done GR :-
typeclass "derive.stdpp.inhabited.db"
(before "inhabited-done.typeclass") (inhabited-done GR) {{ @Inhabited lp:{{global GR}} }} Bo_.
Elpi Accumulate derive Db derive.stdpp.inhabited.db.
#[synterp] Elpi Accumulate derive lp:{{
derivation _ _ (derive "inhabited" (cl\ cl = []) true).
Elpi Accumulate derive lp:{{
namespace derive.inhabited {
pred main i:gref, i:string, o:list prop.
main TyGR Prefix Clauses :-! [
InstanceName is Prefix ^ "inhabited",
derive-original-gref TyGR OrigGR,
TyInhabited = {{ Inhabited lp:{{global OrigGR}} }},
std.assert-ok! (coq.elaborate-skeleton TyInhabited _ ETyInhabited) "[derive.inh.main] [TyInhabited]",
std.assert-ok! (coq.typecheck {{ lp:BoInhabited : lp:ETyInhabited }} _) "typechecking the [Inhabited t] instance failed",
coq.ltac.collect-goals BoInhabited [SealedGoal] [], ( "solve_inhabited" []) SealedGoal [],
@using! "Type" => coq.env.add-const InstanceName BoInhabited ETyInhabited @opaque! C,
@global! => coq.TC.declare-instance (const C) 0,
Clauses = [inhabited-done OrigGR, inhabited OrigGR (const C)],
std.forall Clauses (x\
coq.elpi.accumulate _ "derive.stdpp.inhabited.db" (clause _ _ x)
main _ _ _ :- usage.
pred usage.
usage :- coq.error
"Usage: #[only(inhabited)] derive T where T is an inductive or a definition that unfolds to an inductive. Example #1: Variant T := A | B | C. #[only(inhabited)] derive T Example #2: #[only(inhabited)] derive Variant T := A | B | C. Example #3: Variant _T := A | B | C. Definition T := _T. #[only(inhabited)] derive T.".
(indt T) Prefix ff
(derive "inhabited"
(derive.inhabited.main (indt T) Prefix)
(inhabited-done (indt T))