* Copyright (c) 2023 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Import stdpp.finite.
Require Import elpi.elpi.
Require Export bedrock.prelude.elpi.derive.common.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.prelude.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.elpi.basis.
Elpi Accumulate derive File bedrock.basis.elpi.
Elpi Db derive.stdpp.finite.db lp:{{
pred finite o:gref, o:gref.
pred finite-done o:gref.
Elpi Accumulate derive.stdpp.finite.db File bedrock.typeclass.elpi.
#[superglobal] Elpi Accumulate derive.stdpp.finite.db lp:{{
:name "finite-done.typeclass"
finite-done GR :-
typeclass "derive.stdpp.finite.db"
(before "finite-done.typeclass") (finite-done GR) {{ @Finite lp:{{global GR}} _ }} Bo_.
Elpi Accumulate derive Db derive.stdpp.finite.db.
Elpi File derive.finite.elpi lp:{{
namespace derive.finite {
/* We want to process
* [Variant ResType : Set := A | B | C (_ : option bool) | D (_ : bool) (_ : bool).]
* into [A :: B :: (C <$> enum (option bool)) ++ (D <$> enum bool <*> enum bool).]
* [mk-finite-constructor.aux Constructor ConstrType InputList ResType OutputTerm]
* will return in [OutputTerm] the list
* [(Constructor <$> enum _ <*> enum _) ++ InputList], passing as many
* arguments to [Constructor] as needed.
* - [Constructor] must have type [ConstrType] = [A1 -> A2 -> ... -> An
* -> ResType] (where [n] can be 0).
* [A1 ... An] are [Finite].
* - [InputList] must have type [list ResType].
pred mk-finite-constructor.aux i:term, i:term, i:term, i:term, o:term.
mk-finite-constructor.aux C {{ lp:{{ArgTy}} -> lp:{{ResType}} }} IL Ty OTm :-! [
std.assert-ok! (coq.elaborate-skeleton {{ lp:{{C}} <$> enum lp:{{ArgTy}} }} _ EC) "",
mk-finite-constructor.aux EC {{ list lp:{{ResType}} }} IL Ty OTm
mk-finite-constructor.aux C {{ list (lp:{{ArgTy}} -> lp:{{ResType}}) }} IL Ty OTm :-! [
std.assert-ok! (coq.elaborate-skeleton {{ lp:{{C}} <*> (enum lp:{{ArgTy}}) }} _ EC) "",
mk-finite-constructor.aux EC {{list lp:{{ResType}} }} IL Ty OTm
% Use "foo" instead of "foo ++ nil"
mk-finite-constructor.aux C {{ list lp:{{ResTy}} }} {{ [] }} ResTy' C :-
std.assert-ok! (coq.unify-leq ResTy ResTy') "".
mk-finite-constructor.aux C {{ list lp:{{ResTy}} }} IL ResTy' {{ lp:{{C}} ++ lp:{{IL}} }} :-
std.assert-ok! (coq.unify-leq ResTy ResTy') "".
mk-finite-constructor.aux C ResTy IL ResTy' {{ lp:{{C}} :: lp:{{IL}} }} :-
std.assert-ok! (coq.unify-leq ResTy ResTy') "".
mk-finite-constructor.aux C ResTy IL ResTy' _foo :-
coq.error "mk-finite-constructor.aux failed on C = " C ", ResTy =" ResTy ", IL =" IL ", ResTy' = " ResTy'.
pred mk-finite-constructor i:term, i:term, i:term, o:term.
mk-finite-constructor Ctor InputList ResType OutTm :-! [
std.assert-ok! (coq.elaborate-skeleton Ctor OTy ECtor) "[mk-finite-constructor] failed to elaborate ctor",
mk-finite-constructor.aux ECtor OTy InputList ResType OutTm
pred mk-finite-constructors i:list term, i: term, o:term.
mk-finite-constructors L T EL :-! [
mk-finite-constructors.aux L T L',
std.assert-ok! (coq.elaborate-skeleton L' {{list lp:{{T}}}} EL) "[mk-finite-constructors] failed to typecheck",
pred mk-finite-constructors.aux i:list term, i:term, o:term.
mk-finite-constructors.aux [] _ {{ nil }}.
mk-finite-constructors.aux (Ctor :: RestCtors) T CtorsValues :-! [
mk-finite-constructors.aux RestCtors T RestValues,
mk-finite-constructor Ctor RestValues T CtorsValues
pred mk-finite i:string, i:list term, i:gref, i:gref, o:constant.
mk-finite InstanceName Ctors VariantGR OrigGR C :-![
VariantTy = global VariantGR,
OriginalTy = global OrigGR, Ctors VariantTy CtorList,
std.assert-ok! (coq.elaborate-skeleton CtorList _ ECtorList) "[mk-finite] failed to elaborate ctors",
% The Finite instance must be transparent, but proof obligations must be Qed-opaque.
% Since `abstract` is not supported (,
% we create separate goals by hand.
std.assert-ok! (coq.elaborate-skeleton {{ NoDup lp:{{ECtorList}} }} _ ETyNoDup) "[mk-finite] [TyNoDup]",
std.assert-ok! (coq.typecheck {{ lp:{{BoNoDup}} : lp:{{ETyNoDup}} }} _) "typechecking [NoDup] failed",
coq.ltac.collect-goals BoNoDup [SealedGoalNoDup] [],
% TODO AUTO (FM-2732) : Elpi disables vm_compute here ( "solve_finite_nodup" []) SealedGoalNoDup [],
@using! "Type" =>
coq.env.add-const {calc (InstanceName ^ "_subproof_nodup")} BoNoDup ETyNoDup @opaque! CNoDup,
std.assert-ok! (coq.elaborate-skeleton {{ ∀ x : lp:{{OriginalTy}}, x ∈ lp:{{ECtorList}} }} _ ETyElemOf) "[mk-finite] [TyElemOf]",
std.assert-ok! (coq.typecheck {{ lp:{{BoElemOf}} : lp:{{ETyElemOf}} }} _) "typechecking [ElemOf] failed",
coq.ltac.collect-goals BoElemOf [SealedGoalElemOf] [],
% TODO AUTO (FM-2732) : Elpi disables vm_compute here ( "solve_finite_total" []) SealedGoalElemOf [],
@using! "Type" =>
coq.env.add-const {calc (InstanceName ^ "_subproof_elem_of")} BoElemOf ETyElemOf @opaque! CElemOf,
std.assert-ok! (coq.elaborate-skeleton {{ Finite lp:{{OriginalTy}} }} _ ETyFinite) "[mk-finite] [TyFinite]",
std.assert-ok! (coq.elaborate-skeleton
{{ @Build_Finite _ _ lp:{{ECtorList}}
lp:{{ global (const CNoDup) }} lp:{{ global (const CElemOf) }}}}
_ EFiniteBody) "[mk-finite] [TyFinite]",
coq.env.add-const InstanceName EFiniteBody
ETyFinite @transparent! C,
@global! => coq.TC.declare-instance (const C) 0
#[phase="both"] Elpi Accumulate derive lp:{{
dep1 "finite" "eq_dec".
#[synterp] Elpi Accumulate derive lp:{{
derivation _ _ (derive "finite" (cl\ cl = []) true).
Elpi Accumulate derive File derive.finite.elpi.
Elpi Accumulate derive lp:{{
namespace derive.finite {
pred main i:gref, i:string, o:list prop.
main TyGR Prefix Clauses :-! [
bedrock.get-indt TyGR VariantI,
derive-original-gref TyGR OrigGR,
coq.env.indt VariantI _ _ _ _ Ctors _, Ctors (c\ c'\ c' = global (indc c)) CTerms,
FiniteName is Prefix ^ "finite", FiniteName CTerms TyGR OrigGR C,
Clauses = [finite-done OrigGR, finite OrigGR (const C)],
std.forall Clauses (x\
coq.elpi.accumulate _ "derive.stdpp.finite.db" (clause _ _ x)
main _ _ _ :- usage.
pred usage.
usage :- coq.error
"Usage: #[only(finite)] derive T where T is an inductive or a definition that unfolds to an inductive. Example #1: Variant T := A | B | C. #[only(finite)] derive T Example #2: #[only(finite)] derive Variant T := A | B | C. Example #3: Variant _T := A | B | C. Definition T := _T. #[only(finite)] derive T.".
(indt T) Prefix ff
(derive "finite"
(derive.finite.main (indt T) Prefix)
(finite-done (indt T))
* Copyright (c) 2023 BlueRock Security, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.
Require Import stdpp.finite.
Require Import elpi.elpi.
Require Export bedrock.prelude.elpi.derive.common.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.prelude.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.elpi.basis.
Elpi Accumulate derive File bedrock.basis.elpi.
Elpi Db derive.stdpp.finite.db lp:{{
pred finite o:gref, o:gref.
pred finite-done o:gref.
Elpi Accumulate derive.stdpp.finite.db File bedrock.typeclass.elpi.
#[superglobal] Elpi Accumulate derive.stdpp.finite.db lp:{{
:name "finite-done.typeclass"
finite-done GR :-
typeclass "derive.stdpp.finite.db"
(before "finite-done.typeclass") (finite-done GR) {{ @Finite lp:{{global GR}} _ }} Bo_.
Elpi Accumulate derive Db derive.stdpp.finite.db.
Elpi File derive.finite.elpi lp:{{
namespace derive.finite {
/* We want to process
* [Variant ResType : Set := A | B | C (_ : option bool) | D (_ : bool) (_ : bool).]
* into [A :: B :: (C <$> enum (option bool)) ++ (D <$> enum bool <*> enum bool).]
* [mk-finite-constructor.aux Constructor ConstrType InputList ResType OutputTerm]
* will return in [OutputTerm] the list
* [(Constructor <$> enum _ <*> enum _) ++ InputList], passing as many
* arguments to [Constructor] as needed.
* - [Constructor] must have type [ConstrType] = [A1 -> A2 -> ... -> An
* -> ResType] (where [n] can be 0).
* [A1 ... An] are [Finite].
* - [InputList] must have type [list ResType].
pred mk-finite-constructor.aux i:term, i:term, i:term, i:term, o:term.
mk-finite-constructor.aux C {{ lp:{{ArgTy}} -> lp:{{ResType}} }} IL Ty OTm :-! [
std.assert-ok! (coq.elaborate-skeleton {{ lp:{{C}} <$> enum lp:{{ArgTy}} }} _ EC) "",
mk-finite-constructor.aux EC {{ list lp:{{ResType}} }} IL Ty OTm
mk-finite-constructor.aux C {{ list (lp:{{ArgTy}} -> lp:{{ResType}}) }} IL Ty OTm :-! [
std.assert-ok! (coq.elaborate-skeleton {{ lp:{{C}} <*> (enum lp:{{ArgTy}}) }} _ EC) "",
mk-finite-constructor.aux EC {{list lp:{{ResType}} }} IL Ty OTm
% Use "foo" instead of "foo ++ nil"
mk-finite-constructor.aux C {{ list lp:{{ResTy}} }} {{ [] }} ResTy' C :-
std.assert-ok! (coq.unify-leq ResTy ResTy') "".
mk-finite-constructor.aux C {{ list lp:{{ResTy}} }} IL ResTy' {{ lp:{{C}} ++ lp:{{IL}} }} :-
std.assert-ok! (coq.unify-leq ResTy ResTy') "".
mk-finite-constructor.aux C ResTy IL ResTy' {{ lp:{{C}} :: lp:{{IL}} }} :-
std.assert-ok! (coq.unify-leq ResTy ResTy') "".
mk-finite-constructor.aux C ResTy IL ResTy' _foo :-
coq.error "mk-finite-constructor.aux failed on C = " C ", ResTy =" ResTy ", IL =" IL ", ResTy' = " ResTy'.
pred mk-finite-constructor i:term, i:term, i:term, o:term.
mk-finite-constructor Ctor InputList ResType OutTm :-! [
std.assert-ok! (coq.elaborate-skeleton Ctor OTy ECtor) "[mk-finite-constructor] failed to elaborate ctor",
mk-finite-constructor.aux ECtor OTy InputList ResType OutTm
pred mk-finite-constructors i:list term, i: term, o:term.
mk-finite-constructors L T EL :-! [
mk-finite-constructors.aux L T L',
std.assert-ok! (coq.elaborate-skeleton L' {{list lp:{{T}}}} EL) "[mk-finite-constructors] failed to typecheck",
pred mk-finite-constructors.aux i:list term, i:term, o:term.
mk-finite-constructors.aux [] _ {{ nil }}.
mk-finite-constructors.aux (Ctor :: RestCtors) T CtorsValues :-! [
mk-finite-constructors.aux RestCtors T RestValues,
mk-finite-constructor Ctor RestValues T CtorsValues
pred mk-finite i:string, i:list term, i:gref, i:gref, o:constant.
mk-finite InstanceName Ctors VariantGR OrigGR C :-![
VariantTy = global VariantGR,
OriginalTy = global OrigGR, Ctors VariantTy CtorList,
std.assert-ok! (coq.elaborate-skeleton CtorList _ ECtorList) "[mk-finite] failed to elaborate ctors",
% The Finite instance must be transparent, but proof obligations must be Qed-opaque.
% Since `abstract` is not supported (,
% we create separate goals by hand.
std.assert-ok! (coq.elaborate-skeleton {{ NoDup lp:{{ECtorList}} }} _ ETyNoDup) "[mk-finite] [TyNoDup]",
std.assert-ok! (coq.typecheck {{ lp:{{BoNoDup}} : lp:{{ETyNoDup}} }} _) "typechecking [NoDup] failed",
coq.ltac.collect-goals BoNoDup [SealedGoalNoDup] [],
% TODO AUTO (FM-2732) : Elpi disables vm_compute here ( "solve_finite_nodup" []) SealedGoalNoDup [],
@using! "Type" =>
coq.env.add-const {calc (InstanceName ^ "_subproof_nodup")} BoNoDup ETyNoDup @opaque! CNoDup,
std.assert-ok! (coq.elaborate-skeleton {{ ∀ x : lp:{{OriginalTy}}, x ∈ lp:{{ECtorList}} }} _ ETyElemOf) "[mk-finite] [TyElemOf]",
std.assert-ok! (coq.typecheck {{ lp:{{BoElemOf}} : lp:{{ETyElemOf}} }} _) "typechecking [ElemOf] failed",
coq.ltac.collect-goals BoElemOf [SealedGoalElemOf] [],
% TODO AUTO (FM-2732) : Elpi disables vm_compute here ( "solve_finite_total" []) SealedGoalElemOf [],
@using! "Type" =>
coq.env.add-const {calc (InstanceName ^ "_subproof_elem_of")} BoElemOf ETyElemOf @opaque! CElemOf,
std.assert-ok! (coq.elaborate-skeleton {{ Finite lp:{{OriginalTy}} }} _ ETyFinite) "[mk-finite] [TyFinite]",
std.assert-ok! (coq.elaborate-skeleton
{{ @Build_Finite _ _ lp:{{ECtorList}}
lp:{{ global (const CNoDup) }} lp:{{ global (const CElemOf) }}}}
_ EFiniteBody) "[mk-finite] [TyFinite]",
coq.env.add-const InstanceName EFiniteBody
ETyFinite @transparent! C,
@global! => coq.TC.declare-instance (const C) 0
#[phase="both"] Elpi Accumulate derive lp:{{
dep1 "finite" "eq_dec".
#[synterp] Elpi Accumulate derive lp:{{
derivation _ _ (derive "finite" (cl\ cl = []) true).
Elpi Accumulate derive File derive.finite.elpi.
Elpi Accumulate derive lp:{{
namespace derive.finite {
pred main i:gref, i:string, o:list prop.
main TyGR Prefix Clauses :-! [
bedrock.get-indt TyGR VariantI,
derive-original-gref TyGR OrigGR,
coq.env.indt VariantI _ _ _ _ Ctors _, Ctors (c\ c'\ c' = global (indc c)) CTerms,
FiniteName is Prefix ^ "finite", FiniteName CTerms TyGR OrigGR C,
Clauses = [finite-done OrigGR, finite OrigGR (const C)],
std.forall Clauses (x\
coq.elpi.accumulate _ "derive.stdpp.finite.db" (clause _ _ x)
main _ _ _ :- usage.
pred usage.
usage :- coq.error
"Usage: #[only(finite)] derive T where T is an inductive or a definition that unfolds to an inductive. Example #1: Variant T := A | B | C. #[only(finite)] derive T Example #2: #[only(finite)] derive Variant T := A | B | C. Example #3: Variant _T := A | B | C. Definition T := _T. #[only(finite)] derive T.".
(indt T) Prefix ff
(derive "finite"
(derive.finite.main (indt T) Prefix)
(finite-done (indt T))