
 * Copyright (c) 2020 BlueRock Security, Inc.
 * This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
 * See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.

This tutorial assumes basic understanding of functional programming and logic. A good way to revise these concepts is to read the first 5 chapters (Preface,..., Polymorphism and Higher order functions) of the Software Foundations book
Just like that book, this tutorial is produced from Coq .v files, which can be found in cpp2v/doc. If you want to play with the Coq code in this tutorial, you may want to open the .v source file in a Coq editor, instead of opening the html output in a web brower. In the html, identifiers are hyperlinked to their definition. Your Coq editor may also provide a facility to jump to definition (M-. in emacs (company-coq mode))
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.
Import cQp_compat.

Section with_Sigma.
Context `{Sigma: cpp_logic} {CU:genv}.
Import primitives.

Variable x:ptr.
Variable y:ptr.
Variable r:Rep.
Variable q:Qp.


Separation logic assertions are of type mpred. The main assertion is of the form:
Example ex: mpred := x |-> r.

As declared above, x is a pointer (memory location) and r is a memory representation. ex asserts that x is a valid location and that location contains the memory representation r.
As an example, ex2 below asserts that the memory location x contains the long value 2. ex2 also asserts ownership fraction q ownership over the memory location x.
Example ex2 : mpred := x |-> (longR q 2).

the right hand side of _ |-> _ has type Rep which stands for memory representations.
Definition ex3 : Rep := longR 1 2.

q of type Qp is a positive rational number. In our context, it must be in range (0,1]. 1 implies full ownership, which can be used to update or delete the memory location. lesser ownership can be used to read the location.

Example eFrac1 : Qp := 1.
Example eFrac2 : Qp := 2/4.

Variable z:Z.
There are similar primitives for other primitive types as well:
Example e_schar : Rep := scharR q z.
similarly, ucharR for unsigned
Example e_int : Rep := intR q z.
similarly, sintR and uingR
Example e_short : Rep := shortR q z.
similarly, ushortR and sshortR
Example e_long : Rep := longR q z.
similarly, ulongR and slongR
Example e_longlong : Rep := longlongR q z.
similarly, ulonglongR and slonglongR
Character types work a little bit differently because they are represented in an architecture-indepenent way as *unsigned* numbers
Example e_char : Rep := charR q 10.
Example e_wchar : Rep := wcharR q 10.
Example e_char32 : Rep := char32R q 10.
Example e_char16 : Rep := char16R q 10.
Example e_char8 : Rep := char8R q 10.

Variable b: bool.
Example e11: bool:=true.
Example e10 : Rep := boolR (cQp.m (1/2)) b.

Some locations (e.g. the "next" field of linked list) store pointers. ptrR can be used to describe the memory representation of pointers.
Variable ctype:type.
Variable p:ptr.
Example eptr : Rep := ptrR<ctype> q p.

ctype is the C++ type of the pointer. Click at type to see the current definition of C++ types. For example, below, we are saying that the pointer is of type long*
Example eptr2 : Rep := ptrR<Tlong> q p.

To refer to (named) struct types, use the Tnamed constructor, which takes as argument the mangled name of the class/struct. We can use the notations defined in the names file to write unmangled names. More about this in the next chapters.
Example eptr3 : Rep := ptrR<Tnamed "list"> q p.


Variable pl: mpred.
Variable pr: mpred.

Any two mpreds can be combined together using the infix operator ** to get an mpred:
Example e12: mpred := pl ** pr.
e12 asserts that pl and pr hold *separately*, meaning that their ownership of resources is disjoint. For example, the following assertion is invalid because both the left side and the right side talk about the same (1) ownership of x.
Example e13 : mpred := x |-> (intR 1 4) ** x |-> (intR 1 4).

We can prove that e13 implies False (_ |-- _ should be read as "entails" ("implies")):
Lemma l1: e13 |-- [| False |].

However, the following is fine:
Example e14 : mpred := x |-> intR ((cQp.m (1/2))) 4 ** x |-> intR ((cQp.m (1/2))) 4.

if x and y are different locations, the following is also fine
Example e15 : mpred := x |-> intR 1 4 ** y |-> intR (cQp.m (1/2)) 4.

This separateness part of the ** (instead of vanilla conjunction) gives the main modularity properties of separation logic. For example, if a thread t1 has precondition P1 and postcondition Q2, and a thread t2 has precondition P2 and postcondition Q2, the thread t1 || t2 (t1 and t2 running in parallel) has precondition P1**P2 and postcondition Q1**Q2. Also, separation logic has the frame property: if we can prove a precondition P and postcondition Q for a function f, then for any assertion H separate from P and Q, the P**H and Q**H are also valid pre- and post- conditions respectively.

Structured Reps

In the examples above (e.g. ex), in the x |-> r notation, the LHS (x) must be an *absolute* location, RHS is a Rep and the whole term (x |-> r) has type mpred. We have also overloaded the same notation to the case where x is *relative* location, e.g. an offset defined by a field or an array index and type (size of elements) of array.

Variable struct_field struct_field2 : field.

Example structRep1 : Rep := _field struct_field |-> r.

Note that in this case, the whole term structRep has type Rep (memory representation) instead of mpred. Such Reps typically describe the memory representation of some (yet to be plugged in) *absolute* location holding structured data, e.g. structs, arrays, classes.
Note that a Rep is like "Even", it isn't meaningful to say "Even is true", it is only meaningful to say "Even n" is true. Similarly, it isn't meaningful to say that a Rep holds, until you say what location it holds on.

Variable this:ptr.

Example e17 : mpred := this |-> structRep1.

we can also unfold structRep1 above and write

Example e18 : mpred := this |-> (_field struct_field |-> r).

Because the notation _ |-> _ is declared right associative, we can drop the parens:

Example e19 : mpred := this |-> _field struct_field |-> r.

Note that the ** notation is overloaded to work on Reps as well as mpreds; however, the meaning is intuitively the same. That is, the following Rep states that the relative locations are disjoint (i.e. for any *single* absolute location l, l ., struct_field |-> r ** l ., struct_field2 |-> r).

Example e20 : Rep := (_field struct_field |-> r) ** (_field struct_field2 |-> r).

More examples in the next two chapters. Parentheses are optional above because the precedence between _ ** _ and _ |-> _ has been defined appropriately.

Magic Wand

The following assertion asserts that you have the resources of pr "minus" the resources in pl.

Example wand1 : mpred := pl -* pr.

The main reasoning rule for this construct is the following, which says that once you separately get the missing piece, you get the whole thing back: P Q : mpredI, P (P -∗ Q) Q, which corresponds to bi.wand_elim_r mpredI.

(*Check @bi.wand_elim_r mpredI.*)

Pure Assertions

Some assertions are pure in the sense that they are not asserting anything about the current state of memory or devices. Examples:

Example pure1 : Prop := 1=1.

the following is a false assertion, but a valid assertion nevertheless
Example pure2 : Prop := 1=2.

In Coq, pure assertions have type Prop. However, in function specs, pre and post conditions have type mpred. To convert an Prop to an mpred, we put them inside | _ |

Definition pureMpred : mpred := [| 1=1 |].

TO Add:



Best practices:
think about finiteness of words
pattern match on return value


End with_Sigma.