* Copyright (C) BlueRock Security Inc. 2023
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE file in the repository root for details.
* Copyright (C) BlueRock Security Inc. 2023
* This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
* See the LICENSE file in the repository root for details.
iProp satisfies Ghostly and HasUsualOwn
Require Import
Require Export bedrock.lang.base_logic.iprop_own.
#[global] Instance iprop_ghostly {Σ : gFunctors} : Ghostly (iPropI Σ) :=
{| ghostly_bibupd := _
; ghostly_embed := _ |}.
#[global] Instance iprop_has_usual_own `{Σ : gFunctors, T : cmra, !inG Σ T }
: HasUsualOwn (iPropI Σ) T :=
{| has_usual_own_own := _
; has_usual_own_upd := _
; has_usual_own_valid := _ |}.