
 * Copyright (C) BlueRock Security Inc. 2022
 * This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
 * See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.

Require Import iris.algebra.frac.
for fracO
for IsOp
Require Export iris.algebra.lib.dfrac_agree.
Require Export bedrock.prelude.base.
Set Printing Coercions.

Lemma qple_dfrac_own_incl q1 q2 :
  (q1 q2)%Qp DfracOwn q1 DfracOwn q2 DfracOwn q1 = DfracOwn q2.
  by rewrite dfrac_own_included (inj_iff DfracOwn) -Qp.le_lteq.

Definition dfrac_agreeRF (F : oFunctor) : rFunctor :=
  constRF dfracR * agreeRF F.

Iris left to_frac_agree transparent in typeclass_instances in an attempt to reuse instances for the underlying to_dfrac_agree. Unfortunately, some useful instances aren't derivable. We declare what we need and, orthogonally, mark to_frac_agree TC opaque to speed up type class resolution.

Section dfrac_agree.
  Context {A : ofe}.
  Implicit Types (q : Qp) (d : dfrac) (a : A).

  Lemma to_dfrac_agree_valid d a : to_dfrac_agree d a -> d.
  Proof. by rewrite/to_dfrac_agree pair_valid=>-[]. Qed.

  #[global] Instance to_frac_agree_ne q : NonExpansive (@to_frac_agree A q).
  Proof. Fail apply _. apply to_dfrac_agree_ne. Qed.
  #[global] Instance to_frac_agree_proper q :
    Proper (equiv ==> equiv) (@to_frac_agree A q).
  Proof. Fail apply _. apply to_dfrac_agree_proper. Qed.

  #[global] Instance to_frac_agree_exclusive a :
    Exclusive (to_frac_agree 1 a) := _.
  #[global] Instance to_frac_agree_discrete q a :
    Discrete a -> Discrete (to_frac_agree q a) := _.
  #[global] Instance to_frac_agree_injN n :
    Inj2 (dist n) (dist n) (dist n) (@to_frac_agree A).
    Fail apply _. by intros q1 a1 q2 a2 [[= ->]->]%to_dfrac_agree_injN.
  #[global] Instance to_frac_agree_inj :
    Inj2 equiv equiv equiv (@to_frac_agree A).
    Fail apply _. by intros q1 a1 q2 a2 [[= ->]->]%to_dfrac_agree_inj.

IPM support

  #[global] Instance to_dfrac_agree_is_op a d d1 d2 :
    IsOp d d1 d2 ->
    IsOp' (to_dfrac_agree d a) (to_dfrac_agree d1 a) (to_dfrac_agree d2 a).
  Proof. rewrite/IsOp'/IsOp=>->. apply dfrac_agree_op. Qed.
  #[global] Instance to_frac_agree_is_op a q q1 q2 :
    IsOp q q1 q2 ->
    IsOp' (to_frac_agree q a) (to_frac_agree q1 a) (to_frac_agree q2 a) := _.
End dfrac_agree.
#[global] Hint Opaque to_frac_agree : typeclass_instances.