
 * Copyright (c) 2020 BlueRock Security, Inc.
 * This software is distributed under the terms of the BedRock Open-Source License.
 * See the LICENSE-BedRock file in the repository root for details.

(* Demonstrate paradoxes from alluring but incorrect axioms. *)
Require Import bedrock.lang.proofmode.proofmode.
Require Import bedrock.prelude.base.

Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.semantics.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.logic.pred.
Require Import bedrock.lang.cpp.syntax.

(* TODO: disable paradoxes
Section with_cpp.
  Context `{Σ : cpp_logic} {σ : genv}.
  In contrast to strict_valid_ptr_field_sub, in p ,, o_sub σ ty i the subscript might cancel out after
  normalization. Hence we can give a counterexample to strict_valid_ptr_sub_bad:

  Axiom valid_ptr_sub_bad : ∀ p ty (i : Z),
    (0 <= i)%Z ->
    valid_ptr (p ,, o_sub σ ty i) |-- valid_ptr p.
  Take p = p_base ,, o_sub σ ty -i, assuming valid_ptr p_base but not valid_ptr p:
  that gives valid_ptr (p ,, o_sub σ ty i) hence valid_ptr p.

  Choosing p_base = nullptr gives False, but we get incorrect results even
  if p_base points to the beginning of an array.

  Let bad_valid_ptr_sub : mpred :=
    (∀ p (i : Z) ty, | 0 <= i |Z) :
    let p := p_base ,, o_sub σ ty (-i) in
    bad_valid_ptr_sub ⊢ valid_ptr p_base -∗ (valid_ptr p -∗ False) -∗ False.
    iIntros (p) "H V NV". iApply "NV". iApply ("H" $! (p_base ,, o_sub σ ty (-i)) i ty with "[//]"). by rewrite o_sub_sub Z.add_opp_diag_l o_sub_0 ?offset_ptr_id. Qed. Lemma not_strict_valid_ptr_sub_bad' ty (Hsz : is_Some (size_of σ ty)) : bad_valid_ptr_sub ⊢ False. Proof. iIntros "H". iApply (not_strict_valid_ptr_sub_bad nullptr 1 Hsz with "H"); first done. by iApply valid_ptr_nullptr. by iApply _valid_ptr_nullptr_sub_false. Qed. (* The following [Axiom] reflects a generalization of the [faithful] version in which arbitrary offsets can be erased down to (appropriately bounded) byte offsets. THIS IS UNSOUND. *)

  Section type_ptr_object_representation_full_is_unsound.
    Hypothesis type_ptr_obj_repr_full :
      forall (σ : genv) (ty : type) (p : ptr) (o : offset) (i sz : N) (off : Z),
        size_of σ ty = Some sz -> (* 1) ty has some byte-size sz *)
        eval_offset σ o = Some off -> (* 2) o has some numerical byte-offset value off *)
        (off <= i < off + sz)%Z -> (* 3) by (1) and (2), sz is nonzero and i is a
                                            byte-offset into the object rooted at p ,, o

                                            NOTE: forall ty, size_of (Tarray ty 0) = Some 0,
                                            but zero-length arrays are not permitted by the
                                            Standard (cf. <,bound>). NOTE: if support for flexible array members is ever added, it will need to be carefully coordinated with these sorts of transport lemmas. *)

        (* 4) The existence of the "object representation" of an object of type ty -
           |  in conjunction with the premises - justifies "lowering" any
           |  type_ptr ty (p ,, o) fact to a family of type_ptr Tu8 (p ,, .[Tu8 ! i])
           |  facts - where i is a byte-offset that "covers" the sizeof(ty).
           v *)

        type_ptr ty (p ,, o) |-- type_ptr Tu8 (p ,, .[ Tu8 ! i ]).
    Parameter (q : ptr).
    Let p := q .[ Tu16 ! -1000 ].
    Let o := .[ Tu16 ! 1000 ].

    Lemma type_ptr_obj_repr_full_bad :
      type_ptr Tu8 (p ,, o) |-- type_ptr Tu8 (p ,, .[ Tu8 ! 2000 ]).
    Proof using type_ptr_obj_repr_full.
      subst p o.
      iIntros "tptr".
      iDestruct (type_ptr_obj_repr_full _ _ _ _ 2000 with "tptr")
        as "tptr_byte"; rewrite ?eval_o_sub; simpl; eauto.
      simpl. lia.
  End type_ptr_object_representation_full_is_unsound.
End with_cpp.